How did we ever have time to work!
With all the jobs we've suddenly discovered or invented to do during this Covid-19 lock down, we've all become so busy it's easy to forget taking care of yourself.
If you're stuck at home or even if you're still working but now from home, try to find time for you. Washing your hands more than we've ever done before takes it's toll on skin and nails and they can become dry at best or become rough or even develop eczema.
Being indoors, perhaps more than usual for some and not exercising so much, can slow the metabolism, affect circulation performance and consequently cause dull, problem, spotty skin, dull hair and sluggish energy levels.
It's hard when normal routines have had to be put to one side, leisure centres and fitness classes stopped, outdoor activity restricted.
For many, going to a professional is motivating and we organise and structure our timetable to include a visit to the salon and gym. Like everything else, it's part of our life and right now we're all out of sync.
But, there's a lot you can do to keep yourself looking and feeling good.
Keep a rich moisturiser by your favourite chair and by your bed and every time you're still for a while, pile on the cream massaging into nails and cuticles, give it time to soak in and even pop on some cotton gloves (socks will do) to maximise your feet at the same time concentrating the cream on the heel area.
Clean your skin every night and morning..don't get lazy! Keep active so the circulation can invigorate the skin with fresh oxygen and blood supply. It doesn't work without your help! We all look more alive with colour in our cheeks when we've been busy with housework, gardening, sport and walking...proof that the circulation is doing it's job. You can help by massaging firmly when cleaning the skin, refresh with a toner and strengthen with moisturser or oil.
As we're not socialising so much, use this as the chance to not have to worry about appearance and treat the hair with a regular warm oil treatment. Olive oil will suit this or almond oil or rosemary oil if you have them. Pour hot water in a large bowl, then place a smaller bowl with a couple of tablespoons of oil in it, to sit in the warm bowl. Let the oil warm through then apply to hair. Wrap in foil or a towel and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash and condition. Repeat this once a week and your hair will look and feel strong and glossy.
Stretch, do resistance work, jog, walk, strength train...quite frankly anything that will keep you supple and energised. You'll feel better for it. There's loads of YouTube videos on all forms of exercise and lots of motivational info online. But what greater motivation than wanting to hit the ground running (sorry!) when Covid-19 is behind us, so we can put all our energy into getting back on track with work and life rather than letting ourselves get low and sluggish now, and then struggling to get going when we're given the green light.
So come on everyone, take care of yourself alongside all those other jobs and we'll be better able to tackle anything!
Look out for my next blog which will be on home made face packs.